

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago


Welcome To Our Wiki For



Busycle Rides



(People Powered Hayrides)

From Fossil Fuel to Food for Fuel in support of the National Bicycle Greenway



Key Operators: Dave Hanzel and Rich Willits



Coming Buscyle Events

10-7-06 Saturday Football Opening Day




Coming MakeMeets


Extra -- Busycle Ended the 2006 National Mayors' Ride by pedaling up SF’s Market Street With Critical Mass!


The July 27 and 28 Busycle rides are in the history books!

The last several miles of the Mayors Ride Relays that we rode in Palo Alto and San Francisco were exteremly F U N!


On this site you can find pictures, podcasts, videos, & memories of our rides.

Thank you Everyone!


Crew, outriders and friends in front of San Francisco City Hall.


From Boston to Reno to Palo Alto the City mayors drove the Busycle


Watch the Busycle cruise a Palo Alto neighborhood @ MOV00004.3gp



Judy Kleinberg, Mayor of Palo Alto, reads the proclamation

Whereas, Palo Alto is #1 bike friendly city, …

Declares July 27, 2006 as National Bicycle Greenway Day in Palo Alto, California.

With Mayor Judy are Martin Krieg (L), impresario, cross-country cyclists,

Scott Campbell (R), on the road five months for the 2006 Mayors’ Ride

and Pam Slocum. who joined Scott in Denver.


Key Operators: David Hanzel | Rich Willits

Publicist & Logo Art: Christy Wolf of yourbrandhere.com

Grand Impresario: Martin Krieg


L- Boston Mayor Tom Menino and R- Reno Mayor Bob Cashell driving the bus!






Many people gave suggestions for Busycle 1.1 (mods to the current vehicle).

Submit your ideas for Busycle 2.0 (the next one to build).

|Please add any comments you may have on their respective pages.│






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